Some teams use the same team name, week after week, even if they switch locations of play.
Other teams try to come up with something fresh, funny, and topical each week.
Whichever way you go, have fun and remember the children who may be listening around the corner.
Want a few suggestions? Here is a list of team names we have heard over the past 15 years.
Gone with the Gin
Lavish Display of Ignorance
Keep Calm and Get a New Catchphrase
Surely Not Everyone was Kung Fu Fighting
Fake Gnus
Duct Tape Can't Fix Stupid, But It Can Muffle The Sound
Department of Redundancy Department
We'd Rather Be on Cash Cab
Only Here to Establish an Alibi
The Three Must-Get Beers
Quizpicable Me
We Came for Trivia But All We Got Was Drunk
Menace to Sobriety
Born to Runner-Up
Beer-View Mirrors
If Quizzes are Quizzical, What Are Tests?
There's Always Money in a Banana Stand
Hit It and Quiz It
Nothing Says Literature like "Twilight"
Who Let The Moms Out?
Just Kidding! They're in First
Not Ashamed of What We Did for a Klondike Bar
The Delicate Sound of Hunger
What has 9 Arms and Sucks? Def Leppard
Spoiler Alert: Bruce Willis is a Ghost
We Did It, We Let The Dogs Out
Math Teachers with Problems
Think of Red Hair as a Warning Label
Wooden Spoon Survivors Club
A Nice Big Cup of Shut the Front Door
Powered by Raman Noodles and Tequila
Classic List (Alphabetic Order):
668, next-door-neighbor of the beast
A Team To Be Named Later
AC/DC Comics
After trivia, It's the After-Trivia
Agatha Quiztie
Alien v. Predator v. Brown v. The Board of Education
Appalachian Tendencies
Baby, Don't Quiz Up On Me
Bar Bar Drinks
Bed, Beer and Beyond
Beer is My Spirit Animal
Beer Pressure
Beer Today, Gone Tomorrow
Better Late Than Pregnant
Big in Japan
Blood Sweat & Beers
Bring Back Bleached Tips!
Buns N' Posers
Butter Face
Charles Whitman's Sampler
Colonel Angus T. Jones
Congratulations Kurt Cobain - 8369 Days Sober!
Denim Chicken
Do Not Resuscitate
Does Grey Matter?
Dr Stupid & The Funky Bunch
Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem
Drinky and the Brains!
Drunk Wives Matter
Dude, where's my answer?
DUI of the Tiger
Dyslexic Brians
E=MC Hammer
Fat Kids Always Win At Seesaw
Fat Kids are Harder to Kidnap
Fellowship of the Quiz
Foregone Conclusion
Fried Oyster Cult
Gadaffi Duck
Geek Tragedy
Gentlemen Take Polaroids
Have Beer, Will Answer
Hi, my name is (trivia host name) and I'm an alcoholic
I may have Alzheimer's but at least I don't have Alzheimer's
I Might Be Wrong
I Thought There'd Be More Flannel
I Thought This Was A.A.
I Thought this was Speed Bingo
I Thought this was Survey Sez…
If you do trivia without beer, is it even trivia?
If you're Jamie and you know it, clap your hand!
In Dog Beers, We've Only Had One
In Queso Emergency, pray to Cheeses
Incontinental Congress
Independence Hall and Oates
Inferiority Complex
Irritable Vowel Syndrome coming back to my place after the game
It’s Better than Psoriasis
Jeffrey Dahmer's House of Ribs
John Triviolta
Juggernaughty By Nature
Kathleen Turner Overdrive
Ken Jennings' Pool Boys
Lead Bass
Les Quizarables
Let's Get Quizzical
Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Looking for a heart in Alderaan places
Mediocre Dunces
Mhysa Love You Long Time
Michael Bolton Fan Club
Midnight Enema
Millions Mourn As Ted Nugent Found Alive
Moons of Uranus
My Chemical BROmance
My trivia partner doesn't know this is a date
Nacho Momma's
Nationalize Wal-Mart
Never Gonna Quiz You Up
Never trust atoms, they make up everything
Nickelbackstreet Boys
No Eye Deer
One wheel short of a unicycle
Our Team Name was Defunded by Congress
Ozzy Quizbourne
Paper, Rock, Schisms
Periodic Table Dancers
Pinball Quizzards
Plush Toy of the Apocalypse
Quiz Quiztopherson
Quizteam Aguilera
Quiztie Brinkley
Quiztopher Columbus
Quizzard of Oz
Ray Charles Synchronized Swim Team
REO Quizwagon
Something Something Comma Something
Son of Fancy Pants
Spectacularly Adequate
Stephen Hawking Swim Team
Surrounded by Idiots
Team Affirmative Action
Team Back Hair
Team Name
Team of Enchantment & the Prisoner of Azkaban
Team Redundancy Team
Ted Danson Fan Club
Tequila Mockingbird
Testing 1,2,3
That's What She Said
The Belgian ROFLs
The Beyonce Know-it-alls
The Hindenburg Ground Crew
The Holy Hand Grenades
The Kidney Stones
The Knights of Hammelot
The Memberberries
The Real Housewives of ISIS
The Team Who Must Not Be Named
Thin Quizzy
Think Outside the Manbun
This beer tastes like I'm not going to work tomorrow
Tom Waits for No Man
Trivia Newton John
Twisted Misters
Urethra Franklin
Walking, Talking Stephen Hawkings
We Drink and We Know Things
We're with the Band
Whiskey Quizness
Will Do Anything for Points
Winning with Alternative Facts
You're a Quizzard, Harry
You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
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